My Travel Bucket List

The beginning of the year is a time for lists, so I made a list of my travel dreams. While my list is constantly growing, here is what’s on it currently…


Machu Picchu in Peru

This is at the top of my list and I need to make it happen soon. I am interested in seeing more of Peru and the region, but Machu Picchu is my priority.


Everest in Nepal

I am fascinated by mountains, and this is the big one. While I have no delusions of climbing, I would like to do some hiking around this area.


Safari in Kenya

I have always wanted to go on a safari, but this desire grew even more after interviewing Megan.


Sea Turtle Release

If I could have only one animal experience, this would be it. I absolutely love sea turtles, and helping to release the babies into the sea will probably make me cry with joy. They are so cute!


Glaciers in Alaska

This one will probably happen this year when we visit Alaska for a wedding, and I am really excited because there is something so beautiful yet terrifying about giant glaciers. 


Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan

This should be a fairly easy one to accomplish, and I hope to make it happen soon.


Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

This one might happen within the next year or two during a longer stay in Europe. The flights aren’t that expensive from where we will be staying.



Iceland Air offers free stopovers, and I regret not taking advantage of this during our flight with them a few of years ago. We only had a two hour layover, and I was kicking myself after hearing about how awesome this country is. Next time!


Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

I love waterfalls, and this is the king of them all.

Southeast Asia

Every traveler’s favorite place on Earth seems to be SE Asia, so I gotta check it out. Vietnam and Thailand are my biggest interests.


Taj Mahal in India

This is one of the Wonders of the World and looks absolutely spectacular.


Hot Air Balloon in Cappadocia, Turkey

I placed this lower on my list because it’s already part of my itinerary for this year. I am fascinated by this region, and the hot air balloon rides over it looks magical.


Great Wall of China

My husband has already been here, so I’m not sure when/if we will get around to it. But what a crazy piece of architecture! I can’t imagine building a wall over 10,000 miles long. It’s absolutely insane!


Galapagos Islands

I have no idea how complicated or expensive it is to visit the Galapagos, as I have yet to do any research, but it seems like a wonderful place to see unique wildlife.


Amazon Rain Forest

Once again, I have no research on this yet, but I am really curious as what this experience would be like. Bucket list!

I could probably go on and on and on, but this is a good place to stop for me at my top 15. What’s on your travel bucket list?